Wednesday, March 24, 2010

7 Most Beautiful Wonders of the World...

Seven Most Beautiful Wonders of the World:

1) YOUR EYES:- your eyes are so beautiful and innocent that No one in this world can lie while seeing in your eyes. I tried but i was also failed to do this. your eyes are so pure like a Temple...

2) YOUR SMILE:- No words for that, i think every one who see you will admit that in this planet you have the most beautiful smile... it is so pure like the drops of dew in the early fresh, pure and beautiful that Whenever i see your beautiful smile i fall in love with you all over again......

3)YOUR LIPS:- So beautiful like Roses....

4)YOUR HAIR:- you know everyone in the class wanted to have hair so beautiful like yours... its like beautiful black clouds after the rain....

5) YOUR VOICE:- I have no words to talk about your beautiful voice..because the beauty and sweetness of your voice cannot be explained just in words....your voice is so beautiful and pure just like the holy sound of the bell of the even god wants to hear it everytime you talk to god....whenever your beautiful voice enters through my ears and reaches to my heart starts beating faster..because then my heart got something much needed than the blood to be alive.

6)YOUR NATURE:- everyone who is close to you, rather who just know you... will say that you are such a nice girl that everyone respects you a cannot hurt anyone..your thoughts, your likes, dislikes everything you do makes you a unique pesonality.....thats why everyone loves you.

7) YOU:- Need not to say that you are the most beautiful creation of the god, not only the outer beauty but also from inside god made you the most beautiful one....and thanks to that god that he sent you in this earth...

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